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Tag: Populus
Origin and evolution of the genus Populus L. (family Salicaceae)
Black and balsam poplars of Russia, their natural and cultural hybrids: Molecular data, relationships, and status
Systematic position of Populus ciliata Wall. ex Royle on the study of shoot morphology and petiolar anatomy
The concept of species in poplars (genus Populus L., Salicaceae) based on the example of the subgenus Tacamahaca (Spach) Penjkovsky representatives growing in Russia and neighbouring countries
Comparison of morphological characters of different poplar species (Populus, Salicaceae) using the example of Russian and Central Asian Tacamahaca (Spach) Penjkovsky subgenus representatives
Variability of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Populus × sibirica G.V. Krylov & G.V. Grig. ex A.K. Skvortsov
Natural and cultivated poplars of Irkutsk Province and Buryat Republic
Preliminary results of the molecular genetic investigation of the poplar hybridization naturally and in the urban beautification
Hybridization between PopulusXsibirica G. Krylov et Grig. ex Skvortsov and Populus nigra L. in Novosibirsk