Tolpysheva Tatiana Yu. State of the Usnea filipendula lichen population on the territory of the reserve “Section of the Protva river valley between the villages of Kuprovo and Bartenevo” (Moscow region)
Tolpysheva Tatiana Yu. Lichens species between the Tapat-Yegan and Kervi-Yagun rivers (KhMAO-Yugra, Western Siberia)
Shishkonakova Ekaterina A. Avetov Nikolay A. Tolpysheva Tatiana Yu. Tarlinskaya Anastasiya A. Plant indication of thermocarst forms in palsa mires in the south of Nature Park Numto (West Siberia)
Zarubina Alevtina P. Tolpysheva Tatiana Yu. Sorokina Elena V. Ecotoxicological assessment of the urban environment on the example of Moscow
Толпышева Т.Ю. Суслова Е.Г. Румянцев В.Ю. Distribution of species of the genus Bryoria in Moscow region
Tolpysheva Tatiana Yu. Suslova Elena G. Rumyantsev Vadim Yu. Ramalina species and their preservatiuon in the Moscow region