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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2020-10-4-482-509

Psychophysiological aspects of maintaining drivers’ optimal attention level while driving semi-autonomous cars

Driving is a challenging task that requires a high level of alertness, concentration and good reaction from the driver. In developed countries, where a lot of people driveon a regular basis, the number of car accident victims reaches 1.35 million annually. 90% of all accidents are caused by human factor, particularly by drowsiness, distraction and aggressive driving. Thus, semi-autonomous vehicles, cars in particularare becoming more and more popular. Smart control systems, able to control lane position and car speed, free the driver from continuous routine during driving, thus leading to more distraction, boredom and drowsiness. While semi-autonomous cars spread all around the world, there will be less accidents caused by aggressive driving, but more caused by distractions and drowsiness. In this paper we review contemporary techniques of sustaining operator attention to the monotonous tasks and their applicability to real driving tasks. The following methods were reviewed: blue light exposition, cooled air, odor stimulation, audio and vibration stimulation. Blue light exposition was found to be effective during night driving sessions. Audio stimulation should not be recommended for drivers asthe majority of them listen to music while driving. Cool air, peppermint odor and vibration stimulation seem to be effective for sustaining alertness, however, not for long (about 5–10 minutes).

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