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Dorokhov Vladimir B.

Vladimir B. Dorokhov – Dr. Hab. in Biology; head at the Laboratory of Neurobiology of Sleep and Wakefulness, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3533-9496

E-mail: vbdorokhov@mail.ru



Assessment of potential capabilities of Dreem: An ambulatory device for EEG phase-locked acoustic stimulation during sleep

Comparison of driving simulator efficiency in semi-automatic and hand-driving modes: Behavioral and physiological analysis

Discrepancy between subjective and objective health indicators when performing monotonous operator activities against the background of chronic sleep deprivation

Improving the quality of sleep under distant effects of weak extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields measured by subjective indicators

Influence of lack of night sleep on the cognitive set by indicators of EEG rhythms coupling

Psychophysiological aspects of maintaining drivers’ optimal attention level while driving semi-autonomous cars

Specifics of pupil size dynamics in the process of working with arithmetic tasks

The method of dialogue with the sleeping subject in the state of lucid dream, using respiratory movements

The stabilizing role of day sleep in cases of being exhausted by constant mental work