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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2022-12-1-43-61

Zinc and copper distribution in soils of Taganay national park (Southern Urals)

The article presents data on the content of zinc and copper in the soils of Taganay National Park, obtained in the study conducted in 2020–2021. The aim of the research is ecological and geochemical assessment of the content of copper and zinc in the soil-plant system in the conditions of the Southern Urals. In soil samples collected from 17 plots, pH, organic matter, as well as the mobile form and total content of zinc and copper were determined. The regularities of metal distribution depending on the allocated functional zones of the park, soil types and their agrochemical properties were considered. The gross zinc content in soils was established in the range from 45.1 to 123 mg/kg; copper content – from 12.5 to 50 mg/kg. The amount of movable zinc in park soils was 2.28 to 18.5 mg/kg; copper – 0.42 to 3.44 mg/kg. In general, the distribution of these elements is characterized by wide variability, but no clear dependence on the proximity of anthropogenic sources and soil type was found. At the same time, the content of these microelements in the studied soils did not exceed the established standards of maximum permissible concentrations and was generally characterized as insufficient.

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