In research of lucid dreams (LD), an altered state of consciousness that occurs during the REM sleep stage, the task of LD identification is normally solved with a unidirectional communication method. An experimental subject, while sleeping, signals about his/hers state by performing a series of eye movements. We have developed a new alternative method that allows for bidirectional information exchange (dialogue) between the researcher and the sleeping subject. A researcher was presenting the arithmetic tasks via audio playback. The subject analyzed the received instruction and used respiratory activity (fast series of breathing movements) or eye movements as signals to answer. Pilot series of experiments have verified the ability of the subject to maintain the dialogue and correctly execute the instructions without waking up. This indicates the subject’s sensitivity in regards to external auditory stimuli and the ability to consciously process them in the state of LD.
This is the first reported method of bidirectional communication with a person in the state of LD to date, which expands the possibilities for the objective investigation of this altered state of consciousness.
We also report our modification of the sleeping subject/researcher dialogue method that is currently under development. It utilizes smartphone sensors and allows conducting the experiment in remote mode via the Internet, which makes it possible to engage a broad circle of lucid dreaming enthusiasts who practice at home.
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