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Soils of hilly moraine landscapes of taiga zone (“Vepssky les”)

The hilly moraine landscapes are typical for the territory of natural park “Vepssky forest” which is situated in the north-eastern part of Leningrad region. The soil forming materials are moraine loams, fluvioglacial sands and two-layer deposits. Soil and vegetation cover of “Vepssky Les” were studied during field seasons of 2014–2015. Field and laboratory investigation of soils have been done according conventional methods. Russian soil classification system has been used for soil diagnostics. The classification of vegetation communities has been performed on the forest typology base. Vegetation associations have been named in accordance with dominant of edificator layer and dominant of under layer. It was found that the most common soils of researched region are podzols and podburs. The soddy podzols and soddy podzolic (post-agrogenic) soils are less frequent. Spruce forests of billberry (Myrtillus) series of forest types occupy podzols. Spruce forests of billberry (Myrtillus) and shamrock (Oxalis) series of forest types occur on podburs. Birch and aspen forests of shamrock (Oxalis) series of forest types are associated with soddy podzolic soils. The lithic contact caused temporary water stagnation and occurrence of the specific soil subtypes: contact lightened and contact eluviated. Podzol-eluvozems developed on parent material with lithic contact in case of little thickness of upper sandy layer.

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