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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2966-2018-1-88-111

Seasonal dynamics and differentiation of aer mikota premises of the educational institution (Grodno, Belarus)

The number and composition of microscopic fungi in the air of the 5 University libraries, 2 classrooms and one hostel room were studied. The number of fungal diasporas in the air of two libraries exceeded the maximum permissible level (MPL – 500 KOE/m3) and was 581–966 KOE/m3. In summer, in the air of almost all the surveyed rooms, there was a higher abundance and a generic variety of microscopic fungi than in autumn. The mold complexes number and composition in the air of reading rooms and book depositories vary in different degrees and depend on the season, attendance of readers and the libraries sanitary condition. The abundance of microscopic fungi genera in the libraries air was higher than in the study rooms and the hostel room. It was shown that the microscopic fungi generic composition in the surveyed dwellings air has a small correspondence (the Jacquard coefficient is 0.05–0.41). In the libraries aeroplankton micromycetes of the Penicillium, Aspergillus genera and dark-colored fungi of the Alternaria genus dominated.

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