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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2019-9-3-343-361

Dendrofagous in the forest reclamation complexes with the participation of introduced tree species in arid zone conditions

The problem of  optimization of  ecological conditions of  urbanized and agricultural areas of  the  arid zone is  especially urgent nowadays. Severe forest conditions make it necessary to optimize the environment due to the protective plantations of different types and ecological categories. The use of woody plants unusual for a given area as part of multifunctional stands is one of the main methods for increasing the  ecological capacity of  the  territory, changing the  structure and population of  insects. The  study was conducted in  Volgograd, Samara and Rostov regions. By  the  degree of  biotic potential accumulation among the  trees adapted in the arid region, plants of the Ulmaceae, Rosaceae and Fabaceae families are  distinguished. The  introduction of  woody vegetation into new territories is also accompanied by the penetration of alien species of pests. Currently, among the phyllophages of woody plants used in landscaping various landscapes, there are invader insects. In urban areas, these species are particularly closely associated with Robinia pseudoacacia L. The most numerous as part of the pests of assimilation apparatus of  this plant are  Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman, 1847) and Nematus tibialis (Neuman, 1837). Dissemination of Robinia by these insects in the protective forest plantations varies greatly. In the roadside forest plantations and the agroforest plantations in the composition of dendroflora the species of the family Ulmaceae are predominant. Among the invasive species that appeared in them is Aproceros leucopoda (Takeuchi, 1939); in these stands, it almost completely destroys the elm foliage. In  the  crowns of  trees of  recreational landscaping, single individuals of  this species are  found. Among the  dendrophages of  the  stands of  urbanized and forest-agrarian landscapes, open-living leaf-eating insects giving outbreaks of mass reproduction (Xanthogaleruca luteola, Dicranura ulmi, Cladius ulmi, Aproceros leucopoda) stand out. Wide spread and increase in  the  number is  observed in Obolodiplosis robiniae and Fenusa ulmi.

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