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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2022-12-1-9-21

Cultivated poplars (Populus, Salicaceae) of Khabarovsk

he aim of the research was to study the poplar species composition that are cultivated in the Russian Far East (in Khabarovsk), as nowadays the poplar species are mainly studied in such big European Russian cities as Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Saratov and so on. Identification of species, hybrids and cultivars was carried out according to morphological features. Two local species were noted in Khabarovsk agriculture in 2021 and earlier Populus (P. tremula, P. suaveolens, incl. spontaneous undergrowth), 2 species from other regions of Russia (P. alba, P. nigra, that do not form spontaneous undergrowth) and at least 4 interspecific hybrids, including cultivars (they do not form spontaneous undergrowth either). The situation with poplars in Khabarovsk is, to a first approximation, similar to what can be seen in Moscow and other Russian cities: “pure” species are represented by poplars from Russia (P. alba, P. nigra, P. suaveolens, P. tremula), hybrids are formed predominantly by these species and also by Russian P. laurifolia, of the American species only P. deltoides participates in hybridization (a triple hybrid of Russian species mistakenly taken by landscapers for American P. balsamifera), American P. balsamifera and P. trichocarpa are absent both as “pure” species and as parent species of hybrids. Nevertheless, there are significant differences due to the presence within the range of P. suaveolens (this species is the second most abundant, and in the west of Russia it is rare in its “pure” form) and out of range P. longifolia and P. nigra (the first species is not found, the second one is rare). The hybrids slightly prevail over the “pure” species, but this is less so than it is typical for the cities of European Russia. Spontaneous undergrowth of alien species and hybrids has not been observed yet, and in the west of Russia it is well-known.


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