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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2024-14-3-355-375

Structural features of the crown of young individuals of Quercus robur L. in Western Cis-Kama region

The constructive organization of virginal and young reproductive individuals of Quercus robur L. in Western Cis-Kama region, within the urban district of Kazan and Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan, has been analyzed. We studied the crown structure in individuals growing within various elements of the horizontal mosaic of woody cenoses (closed canopy, small gaps, large gaps). The crown structure was studied in more than 110 individuals. It was found that in most communities, individuals with a predominantly hierarchical plan of organization of the main axes and individuals with a conditionally hierarchical plan having a well-defined trunk but pseudo-dichotomously growing branches predominate. Ascending branches play a leading role in the development of space in most individuals. As lighting conditions improve, individuals increase the number of tiers containing several medium and large branches. Besides the structure of a tier modifies. The main reactions to increased shading in young individuals of Quercus robur are an increase in the number of polyarchic structures in the crown, as well as the proportion of plagiotropic branches and branches growing down to the ground.

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