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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2024-14-2-171-204

Results of the introduction of cedar-broadleaved forest plants from the Russian Far East in Moscow

Currently, the cultivation of rare and beneficial plants is relevant due to the reduction of their natural habitats and the decrease in biodiversity. The Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) has accumulated considerable experience in this field. Therefore, the aim was to summarize the results of the long-term introduction of plants from cedar-broadleaved forests of the Russian Far East in the laboratory of natural flora of the Main Botanical Garden RAS. To achieve this goal, the taxonomic composition, completeness of the seasonal cycle, methods of reproduction, duration of existence in culture, stability of specimens in these agroclimatic conditions, and reasons for their removal from the collection were analyzed. The analysis utilized data from long-term observations published by laboratory staff or recorded in the laboratory’s electronic database, card file, and phenological observation journals, as well as observations by the author working with the collection over the past 10 years. An assessment of the current state of cedar-broadleaved forest plants on the “Flora of the Russian Far East” exposition and in the nursery of the Laboratory of Natural Flora was provided. An evaluation of the feasibility of re-inclusion of species from this ecological group into the collection was given. When reintroducing plants from natural habitats into culture, it is necessary not only to consider the degree of stability in these conditions but also to analyze the reasons for removal from the collection for each species and its ability to regenerate.

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