After the publication of the second edition of the Red Book of Moscow region (2008), work on the monitoring of Ramalina species listed in the Red Book continued, as well as the search for new locations of these species, and the identification of species of this genus, rarely found in the region. The analysis of the obtained data allowed to estimate modern distribution of Ramalina species on the territory of the region, their coinciding with certain types of plant communities, substrate and to identify the most rare species of the genus. The Mapinfo program contains a database and maps of all Ramalina species findings. The key for identification of Ramalina species in Moscow region is given.
Keywords: lichens, Lychenobiota of Moscow region, maps and schematics of identified lichens of Moscow region, monitoring of rare types of lichens, nature protection, Red Book of Moscow regionAll articles can be accessed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).