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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2024-14-4-472-495

Radiation-ecological assessment of the ravine of the Tyumenka River, Tyumen

The development of urbanized areas associated with economic and social growth significantly worsens the ecological situation, which, in turn, negatively affects the health of people living there. In this regard, an important issue from the ecological point of view in the studies of urban ecosystems is the use of integrated approaches in the study of territories, covering both already transformed landscapes and those subject to anthropogenic influence. The paper presents the results of integrated radiation-ecological studies of the Tyumenka River ravine in the Perekopskaya-Kamyshinskaya Street section of Tyumen in 2023–2024. The paper presents the results of assessment of the content of natural (40K, 226Ra, 232Th) and anthropogenic (137Cs, 90Sr) radionuclides in the surface soil layer, radon flux density from the soil surface, 222Rn volumetric activity in the Tyumenka River water, and gamma radiation equivalent dose rate. The content of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in the surface soil layer, 222Rn volumetric activity in the Tyumenka River water and gamma radiation equivalent dose rate do not exceed the current radiation safety standards. The results of the study revealed localized areas of exceeding radiation safety standards for radon flux density from the soil surface.

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