The search for plants with unusual edible fruit for introduction in the middle zone of the Russian Federation is relevantin connection with the consumers’ interest in new types of imported exotic fruit, appearing on the Russian market. The purpose of the study is an analysis of the size and weight characteristics of follicles, i.e. parts of fleshy follicetum (further – the «fruits») of Decaisnea fargesii Franch., grown in Moscow region, to assess the possibilities of their food use. The objects of study are mature fruits of D. fargesii, collected in the Botanical Garden of the Moscow City Palace of Children and Youth (October 2019). The determination of the length (9.56 сm), diameter (1.92 сm) and weight (20.45 g) of fruit (9.56 cm, 1.92 cm and 20.45 g); thickness (2.00 ± 0.08 сm) and weight (8.98 ± 0.80 g) of pericarpor coat; length (8.88 ± 0.17 mm), width (6.98 ± 0.25 m), thickness (2.86 ± 0.05 m), weight (0.06 ± 0.01 g) of seed and total weight (2.12 ± 0.28 g) of seeds in fruit; weight of aril (0.28 ± 0.04 г) and total weight (9.39 ± 1.36 g) of arils or fruit pulp in fruit; content of absolutely dry substances in pericarp (72.03 ± 2.05%), seed (78.73 ± 1.42%) and aril (50.37 ± 1.28%), as well as the statistical processing of the research results were carried out according to standard methods. Mass and volume fractions in fruit of rubber-rich pericarp (44.18%, 39.95%); ediblearils (45.50% and 43.07%) as wellas oil seeds (10.33 ± 0.70% and 16.98%) seeds are identified for the first time. Despite the approximately equal mass content of coat and pulp in fruit, the largest volume in fruit is occupied by arils (43.07%), which are the most hydrated part of the fruit, in accordance with the content of absolutely dry substances in them. Evaluation of size and weight characteristics of fruits of D. fargesii, studied by us, large in comparison with those, described in the literature (5–10 x 2 cm, 15–30 g), indicates the possibility of their multi-stage industrial use in the future, along with good introduction and, probably, plantation potential of this plant in the middle zone of Russia.
Keywords: aril, Decaisnea fargesii, fleshy follicle, morphometric characteristics, seed, weight characteristicsAll articles can be accessed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).