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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2021-11-4-427-449

Fauna of ciliates of small rivers of Khabarovsk and its environs

The paper presents data on the fauna of ciliates of small rivers in the city of Khabarovsk and its environs. In the course of the study, 72 species of ciliate were identified, belonging to 2 subtypes and 10 classes. The most numerous classes are Oligohymenophorea, Spirotrichea, Litostomatea, and Phyllopharyngea. The greatest variety of ciliates was recorded in the Krasnaya and Chernaya rivers. The smallest is in the rivers Plyusninka, Polezhaevka, and Rotten Pad. The genera Vorticella and Paramecium dominated by the number of species. There were only four eurytopic species: Spirostomum teres, Aspidisca cicada, Colpidium colpoda, and Paramecium caudatum. At the same time, these species formed the core of the fauna of ciliates of other natural and technogenic water bodies. The coefficient of faunistic similarity between the surveyed small rivers varies in a wide range from 30 to 83.8%. The distribution of ciliates by trophic groups made it possible to establish the dominance of bacteriophages and dentritophages (60%). The share of carnivorous species was 15.4% and algophages 13.8%.


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