The present paper deals with the problems of geomonitoring of the geological-paleontological monuments of the City of Krasnoufimsk (Sverdlovsk region) in a broad ecological and paleoecological context. The geological section ‘Rjabinovy Log” (“Rowan Ravine”), which is especially important for paleontology and stratigraphy, is described in details, i.e. layer after layer. A new monotypic genus Ovalocarpus Naugolnykh, gen. nov. and its type species Ovalocarpus ovoides Naugolnykh, sp. nov. are described in the taxonomical part of the paper. The Ovalocarpus seeds are characteristic of the Upper Artinskian and Kungurian terrigenous deposits of the Western Urals. Taxonomical assignment of the Ovalocarpus seeds to the gymnosperms of the division Ginkgophyta is discussed.
Keywords: Artinskian stage, ecology, ginkgophytes, Kungurian stage, paleoecology, Permian system, stratigraphy, UralsAll articles can be accessed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).