The article presents the results of a study of alien woody plants in the landscaping of the city of Khabarovsk (Far East) for the purpose of inventory and analysis using generally accepted floral methods. 43 species and hybrids belonging to 17 families and 30 genera have been identified. Most of them are non-wild species that have not naturalized and, accordingly, are only cultivated in the open ground without special care and are represented by adult generative plants (40 species, or 88,8%). These include 7 hybrid taxa. There are only five wild species that have successfully naturalized and spread spontaneously outside of culture – Acer negundo, Hippophaer hamnoides, Microcerasus tomentosa, Pinus sylvestris, Ulmus pumila. The primary ranges of the species cover mainly adjacent territories of East Asia (13 species, or 28,9%) or North America (11 species, 24,4%). The life form is dominated by summer-green trees and shrubs. Evergreens, vines and lianas are few in number. It is concluded that the alien fraction of the Khabarovsk dendroflora is a temporary, non-permanent component that does not affect the structure of the native flora.
Keywords: alien species, degree of naturalization, Khabarovsk, life state, life-forms, primary range, vegetation rhythms, дендрофлораAll articles can be accessed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).