Vol. 14, No 4 (2024)
Study and conservation of biological diversity
Molecular genetic diversity of Populus × rasumovskoe (Salicaceae) in Moscow
R.A. Murataev, Yu.A. Nasimovich, E.V. Borkhert, E.N. Pushkova, A.A. Dmitriev, N.V. Melnikova
Pages: 413-434
Pages: 435-455
Organization of the starchy endosperm of durum wheat grains of varieties of Saratov selection
E.G. Hachaturov, V.V. Korobko, M.Yu. Kasatkin
Pages: 456-471
Аnthropogenically modified ecosystems and urban ecology
Radiation-ecological assessment of the ravine of the Tyumenka River, Tyumen
A.V. Sindireva, N.E. Guriev, Yu.V. Venediktova, A.F. Abdullin
Pages: 472-495
Experience environmental study areas
Assessment of selenium content in the soil-plant system in the forest-steppe and steppe zone of the Chelyabinsk region
M.A. Belov, A.V. Sindireva
Pages: 496-511
Events and anniversaries
Pages: 512-516