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DOI: 10.31862/2500-2961-2024-14-1-70-107

Drosera anglica Huds. in Vologda region: Morphology, ecology, distribution and protection issues

The article analyzes distribution, biomorphological, ecological and phytocenotic characteristics of Drosera anglica Huds. (Droseraceae Salisb.) in Vologda region, as well as issues of the species protection. Revision of herbarium collections, archived and published data showed that from 1856 to 2023, Drosera anglica was recorded in 95 localities within 22 (out of 26) administrative districts. Species records fall within the boundaries of 36 squares of the grid system adopted in the Atlas Florae Europaeae. English sundew is a racemose-rooted turionic perennial polycarpic herb with elongated non-succulent shoots and specialized trap leaves. It has low vegetative mobility and intensity of vegetative propagation, that is whyself-sustainment of populations occurs mainly by seed. The plant is mesobiontic to climatic factors. The narrowest limits of tolerance are noted for the light of the ecotope and the richness of the soil in mineral salts. Drosera anglica is an obligate typical marsh species that prefers sphagnum and denudated hollows, the edges of marsh lakes and flowing swamps in raised bogs, grassy hollows in aapa and flooded lowland bogs, floating bogs, and the shores of marsh lakes. It is represented singly or scatteredly in grass-moss or shrub-grass-moss bog communities. Drosera anglica is listed in the Red Data Book of Vologda Region by the 3/NT/III category. It was recorded within the boundaries of 8 specially protected natural areas. The species is most vulnerable to changes in the hydrological regime of the territory due to anthropogenic and climatic changes.

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