The Tapat-Egan and Kervi-Yagun rivers are located in the Northern part of the Salymo-Yugan swamp system. 116 lichen species (46 epigeous species and 70 epiphytic species) were discovered in the Tapat-Egan and Kervi-Yagun area. 52 species are new for the investigated area. Full inventory of lichen species is given. Species from Cladoniaceae family prevail among epigeous lichens whereas species from Parmeliaceae family dominate among epiphytics. The species of the Cladina subgenus predominated in the forests in the area where reindeer graze. Five species of the epiphytic lichens were found on the dropped horns of the reindeer. Peltigera species are not reported in the bogs.
Keywords: lichens, species composition, West SiberiaAll articles can be accessed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).